The first completed project within CLLD strategy of FLAG Burgas-Kameno is by NGO "DCH - Board"
The project`s main activities inlude the making of a promotional historical movie about Chengene skele and the fishing village. Through a familiar face from “Morski sgovor” fishermen associasion and translation in 3 languages, the movie represents the remarkable history of the area and the unique new forms of tourism that are developing there.
1000 DVDs, 2000 advertising posters and a trailer were also produced. They are distributed on the territory of the FLAG Burgas-Kameno as part of the activities for the development and promotion of the territorial uniqueness.
The project is finaned by Maritime affairs and fisheries programme 2014-2020 through the CLLD Startegy of FLAG Burgas-Kameno.
Total FLAG Grant is 103 920.00 BGN, of which 88 332.00 BGN are European union contribution through European maritime and fisheries fund and 15 588.00 BGN national contribution.
Start: 14.04.2020 / End: 14.04.2021