Measure 4.2 Preparatory support for community–led local development strategies

The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

Duration of the first part of the project – from 27.06.2017 to 27.11.2017

Budget – BGN 47,995.75.

Beneficiary – Municipality of Burgas, 26 Aleksandrovska Str


Kameno Municipality – Kameno 101 Osvobozhdenie Street,

Association „Morski sgovor – Rosenets Park, Fishermen’s Village, Burgas

ET “Oasis Savov S. Savova” – Kraimorie, Burgas

Brief description:

The project aims at fostering the participation of the fishery and aquaculture sectors in the sustainable development of fishery area defined by building of a local partnership and setting up Fisheries local action group- FLAG.

The project implementation will support the promotion of the Community led local development approach, will introduce the methods for motivating the actors to take part in the process of developing of a local strategy as well as it will improve target groups’ capability thus will contribute to the successful strategy’s implementation.

The accomplishment of the project activities through applying the bottom-up approach, will indicate the common for the target region obstacles and restrictions, will set out the measures for economic growth and improving of quality of life of the local communities.

The target groups are: fishermen, NGOs and business sector within the fisheries area.

Information campaigns and training activities will be conducted within the project in order to promote Community led local development approach as well as research and analysis of the territory; strategy for local development will be worked out and the FLAG will be constituted.

The implementation of the Strategy for local development of Burgas – Kameno fisheries area will contribute to foster economic growth, diversification of activities in the fisheries sector and aquaculture, social inclusion, and jobs creation.

Second part of the project: Implementation of community–led local development strategies

On July 20, 2018, the Fisheries local action group Burgas – Kameno and the Managing Authority of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program concluded a Grant Agreement MDR-IP-01-86 / 20.07.2018 and an Agreement for Management of Community-led local development Strategy (MDR-IP-01-87 / 20.07.2018).

The Community-led Local Development Strategy (CLLD) receives support in the amount of BGN 2,933,745 from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program 2014-2020 (TMDP). The approved grant will be agreed through project selection procedures in which enterprises, non-governmental organizations, the Municipality of Burgas and the Municipality of Kameno can participate.

All projects financed through the measures of CLLD Strategy should be implemented on the territory of FLAG Burgas-Kameno, which is described HERE.

The deadline for implementation of all projects and activities financed by the Strategy is 31.12.2023.

Contract MDR-IP-01-86 / 20.07.2018 for the provision of grants for Running costs and promotion of the CLLD Strategy is at the amount of BGN 977,915. The grant will be used to promote the Strategy and the community-led local development approach, for administration, for organizing trainings for local leaders, beneficiaries, people from vulnerable social groups, etc.

The successful implementation of the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the Fisheries Local Action Group Burgas – Kameno will contribute to the balanced development of economic activities and public benefit activities on the territory based on local natural, human and cultural resources.

This material was created within the framework of Contract № МДР-ИП-01-86 / 20.07.2018. for granting financial aid under the project №BG14MFOP001-4.002-0009 “Implementation of a strategy for community-led local development of FLAG Burgas-Kameno” under the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Program 2014 – 2020